
A perfect leather jacket - Levi's Vintage Clothing

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket

Levi's Vintage Clothing Leather Jacket


  1. If it says "Made in Scotland", that jacket is a score.
    If it doesn't say that, go for Aero, Eastman, Lewis, possibly Schott or some of the Japanese makers.

  2. this is the best and amazing post on the jacket..!
